Rotary Club Bwebbajja

Integrated Community Development of Ngongolo, Uganda

The Rotary Club of Bwebajja, in partnership with local stakeholders, initiated an Integrated Community Development project in Ngongolo. This comprehensive endeavor aimed to empower youth and women, foster economic growth, and enhance the overall well-being of the community.

One crucial component of the project was the provision of piglets to women and youth, promoting entrepreneurship and income generation. The project also included the construction of VIP toilets, and improved sanitation, and hygiene practices within the community. Furthermore, mindset change training empowered individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue sustainable economic activities.

The installation of solar-powered water plants addressed the community’s water needs, ensuring access to clean and reliable water sources. By providing textbooks to schools and three-seater classroom desks, the project enhanced educational opportunities for children, promoting a conducive learning environment.

This holistic approach to community development has had a profound impact on Ngongolo. It has empowered women and youth, creating self-sufficiency and economic independence. Improved sanitation facilities have contributed to better health outcomes, while access to clean water has enhanced overall hygiene practices. The project has also fostered a sense of pride and hope within the community, laying the foundation for long-term sustainable development.
