Rotary Club Bwebbajja

Maternal & Child Health Global Grant at Nyamuyanja Health Centre IV in Isingiro District

In collaboration with partner organizations, we implemented a transformative Maternal and Child Health Global Grant project. The project encompassed multiple aspects that significantly improved healthcare services for mothers and children in Nyamuyanja.

The renovation of the theatre created a modern, well-equipped facility that ensures the safe and efficient delivery of babies, reducing the risks associated with childbirth. The construction of a dedicated maternity ward provided a comfortable and secure environment for mothers during their stay, promoting their well-being and recovery. Additionally, the donation of state-of-the-art health equipment enhanced the health center’s capacity to deliver quality care.

As a result of this project, maternal and child mortality rates have decreased, with more women receiving proper antenatal care and skilled assistance during childbirth. Access to essential healthcare services has improved, contributing to healthier pregnancies and improved outcomes for mothers and their newborns. The project’s impact extends beyond healthcare, as it positively affects the overall well-being and resilience of families in the community.
