Rotary Club Bwebbajja

The Mubende Mega Project: Enhancing Community Health and Well-being

In a remarkable demonstration of unity and service, the Rotary and Rotaract Clubs of Bwebajja embarked on “The Mubende Mega Project,” aligning with four Rotary’s areas of focus to create a holistic impact on the Mubende community’s health, education, and environment.

  1. Healthcare Accessibility (Disease prevention and treatment)

The Rotary and Rotaract Clubs of Bwebajja joined forces in partnership with Reproductive Health Uganda, Joint Medical Stores, Lourilet Pharmacy, Mubende Referral Hospital & Mubende School of Midwifery to organize a transformative medical camp in Mubende district. Held on Saturday, the 14th of October 2023, this collaborative effort brought essential healthcare services to the doorstep of the community, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of over 3000 people, This camp offered comprehensive healthcare services, and provided free basic medications, enhanced dental health, provided eye care services, offered reproductive health services (cervical & prostate cancer screening, Family planning, counselling, etc.), Free malaria testing and treatment, raise public health awareness, and offer free HIV testing & counselling services. By addressing both immediate health concerns and promoting preventive care, the initiative aimed to enhance the overall well-being of the community. This was made possible with the partnerships of Mubende Regional Referral Hospital, Mubende Institute of Nursing and Midwifery, Joint Medical Stores, RFHDs Uganda, and Stabex International.

  1. Education Enhancement (WASH in schools)

A significant aspect of “The Mubende Mega Project” involved supporting education by donating a substantial 10,000-liter water harvesting system to Kasaana C/U Primary School in Mubende district. This initiative addressed the immediate water needs of the school, promoting a conducive learning environment for students and staff. Additionally, the project emphasized the importance of health education, integrating workshops and awareness campaigns into the medical camps to empower individuals with knowledge about disease prevention and healthy living practices.

  1. Environmental Sustainability (Protection of the Environment):

As part of the project’s commitment to environmental sustainability, fruit trees and other types of trees were planted in strategic locations within the school. This initiative not only contributed to the greening of the environment, but also provided long-term benefits such as improving air quality, supporting biodiversity, providing shade, windbreakers and offering a sustainable source of nutrition for the school and community at large for the future.

  1. Enhancing Maternal and Child Health:

A significant aspect of the project involved the donation of five Tricycle Village Ambulances (TVAs) to Mubende District communities. These ambulances, generously donated by Rtn. Hon. Hope Grania Nakazibwe and handed over in a ceremony attended by Rtn. Dr. Bildad Baguma, Managing Director of Joint Medical Stores Uganda, signify a vital step towards improving maternal and child healthcare accessibility – solving the second delay. Equipped to navigate rural terrain, the TVAs serve as lifelines, ensuring timely and efficient transportation during medical emergencies, thus addressing a critical need in the region.


“The Mubende Mega Project” represents a comprehensive approach to community development, addressing key areas of need while fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment among community members. By aligning with Rotary’s areas of focus and incorporating initiatives that promote health, education, and environmental sustainability, the project aimed to create a lasting impact on the Mubende community’s well-being and quality of life. Through the collective efforts of Rotary, Rotaract, and community partners, “The Mubende Mega Project” served as a shining example of Rotary’s commitment to making a positive difference in the world.
